International Education & Jobs

COC Placements is working PAN India for placements and now involved in placing candidates internationally
We as COC Placements are actively involved in
- Study Abroad
- International Internship
- Work Abroad
- Skilled Migration
Looking for an International Education? Check out COC Placements!
Chances are, you’ve heard about or even participated in an international exchange program when you were in school, but did you know that there are many more opportunities out there? Internationally-focused companies have grown to make up nearly 10% of the job market today, and people from all over the world are looking to come study and work in your country. If you’re thinking about studying abroad or relocating overseas, contact COC Placements to discuss programs available in your field and see how we can help you find your next job!
Step 1: Know your study level
International students looking to study abroad should first know the levels of study they want to explore. There are degrees and certificate programs available from countries all over the world. Some countries offer online study as well. Of course, students will also want to research living costs and quality of life for any country before making a final decision on where they’ll go. -International students should be aware that most U.S., Canadian, Australian and New Zealand universities require you to take their standardized tests (e.g., SATs, GREs) in order to apply.
-The best option is probably to speak with your university’s international student advisor or international education office who can help you make decisions about what kind of degree program you might want to pursue while living abroad; which country is best suited for you; which visa options you have; what qualifications you need and more.
-COC Placements can assist in the job search by providing candidates information about jobs with high pay scales that are relevant for your experience level in various parts of the world including Europe, United States, India & Asia Pacific region.
Step 2: Get started with COC Placements
COC Placements, started by Chris and his wife Colleen Cramer, are a company that was originally born in North Carolina. Now working PAN India for placements and now involved in placing candidates internationally. International Education & Jobs with COC Placements is a great way to go if you are looking to study or work overseas and need help finding the right school or employer.
Step 3: Choose your country
Choosing the country where you want to work will depend on your preferred language and the level of experience you have. India is a large country, so there are many options available. If you have more international experience, then head to Malaysia or Singapore. But if English is your first language, then Australia might be a better place to start out. Regardless of where you decide to go, COC Placements will help put you in touch with opportunities that best fit your needs and desires.
Step 4: Take the right tests
You need to take tests to get a college education, and it’s important to know which ones are the right fit for you. If you are looking for international education, there are also different tests that you will need to take. Here is a quick guide on what tests you should take if you want more information about international jobs and education.
And that’s how it’s done! You can follow these steps to get any kind of blog post started.
Step 5: Start applying to universities
Once you are finished with the first three steps of planning, it is time to start applying to universities. Start by looking at your budget. What university and programs do you want to pursue, and how much can you afford? Research what each university has to offer in the area of education that most interests you. Learn about their curriculum, rankings, financial aid requirements, admission criteria and more.
Step 6(optional): Apply for scholarships
The last, but not least, step to help you get a good job is apply for scholarships. This can help you pay for any schooling or education. You can apply for scholarships by applying directly through the schools or through organizations like Scholarship America.
Step 7: Accommodation, finances and more
After you have your provisional degree and want to move abroad, the next step is getting accommodation and finances sorted. You need to do some research about your prospective location and country of interest, as well as finding a country with a suitable economic climate. Getting residency can be tricky, but not impossible.